Who We Are

The Tribal Cannabis Consulting team is a comprised of cannabis industry professionals that were forged in the grassroots of the Legal Cannabis Industry that built the framework for cannabis compliance oversight that is now reflected in nearly every regulatory structure used for cannabis world wide in some format. Regulatory structures have decades of comprehensive experience and expertise in the vast variety of fields necessary to successfully build a lucrative cannabis business. 

While there are many consultant groups in the legal cannabis industry at this time, the true expertise of TCC lies in our hands on experience and success earned through working side by side with our Native American Tribal clients for the last 6 years. Through hard learned lessons and commitment to our Tribal partners, TCC has successfully generated the framework necessary for a tribal nations to confidently pursue opportunities in the cannabis industry. Our emphasis on ensuring that a tribal clients pursuit of developing a cannabis program caters to the intricate dynamics demanded of a federally recognized tribes on sovereign territory that must be upheld if they intend pursue take this path as a tribe.

Through the growth and real-time lessons that our team has experienced alongside the Tribal Governments we partner with, we have been able to build a comprehensive model for tribes of any size to regulate and govern a Tribal Cannabis Enterprise for which the tribe is also the owner while maintaining autonomy and integrity as a governing body. 

The TCC team has worked tirelessly to create a thorough composition of legal, administrative, financial, legislative, and cannabis professionals since 2014.  And the result of our teams endless dedication and determination we have been able successfully develop medical and recreational marijuana programs with our Tribal partners that are the first of their kind in history. The pride we share in these accomplishments with our Tribal Clients all these years later and the immense opportunity and success the tribal communities have experienced through this journey is the greatest honor we could have asked for. 

After years of working together and learning the many dynamics and challenges presented to the Councils and administrators of our tribal partners, we have come to deeply respect the leaders we work side by side with in development of these projects. 

By understanding, first and foremost, that no one Tribe is the same as another, we utilize creative thinking and innovation in project development when evaluating how best a tribe can benefit from their unique resources and opportunities in their pursuit of a presence in the booming cannabis industry.

Meet The Team

Cassandra Dittus




Experience Summary

Generation and Lobbying the successful passage of SB375 in nevada ; Nevada’s Tribal Marijuana Compact Bill | 2017 Nevada Legislative Session; Sponsored by Tick Segerblom

Negotiation and Issuance of Tribal/State/City/County Compacts for Tribal Clients to work Cross Jurisdictionally to uphold Compliance and Commerce

Generation of Custom Written Regulatory Codes and paired Administrative Codes prepared for Implementation

2016- The Ely Shoshone Tribe was first in Nation to issue their own medical marijuana cards that were recognized for reciprocity by the State of Nevada. | Planning and execution of large cannabis events for the promotion of Tribal brands debuting

Government to Government Communications; Tribal, Federal, County, City | Human Resources & Comprehensive Team Building for numerous, Fully Vertically Integrated Cannabis Facilities | 100’s of employees trained to date with emphasis on management training & retention

Multi- Agency Compliance and Regulatory Inspections; Fire, Building, Taxation, Department of Agriculture, Health Department, etc. | Developed and Operated 43 Regulated Marijuana Licenses throughout 2009-2018

Commercial Cultivation Facility Design & Operation | Design and Build of Hazardous Materials Extraction and Infusion Facilities | Customized Infused Product (edible, oil, wax, shatter, distillate, etc) Development & Marketing

Plant Propagation and Strain Breeding | Marketing and Manufacturing of Innovative and Sustainable Cultivation Products | Prokure, Cyco, Green Rooster Lighting

Custom Development of Proprietary our Seed to Sale Inventory Tracking and Inventory Management Software | Cannabis Compliance Technologies

Fully Integrated, Multi-Department Standard Operating Procedures | Cash Handling and Comprehensive Bookkeeping Procedures and Auditing